What really struck me about their campaign was that it didn’t appear they knew the victim of the incident but they still felt the need to actively respond in a show of support and encourage their friends to do the same by wearing pink shirts the next school day. It is so encouraging to read about how people, especially young men, are speaking out and taking a stand against sexual harassment and bullying. It is equally powerful to share that their activism proved to make a difference in the victim’s life and their corporate disdain put the bullies on notice that such inappropriate behavior would no longer be socially acceptable. Their story has also inspired me to purchase a pink shirt and share their activism with others as a way to honor how these bystanders made a difference.
I'm curious what effect this story will have on you. Will you look at men wearing pink shirts differently? If you are a man, will you consider wearing pink and share this story with your friends? Or given the opportunity as a bystander, will you speak out and take a stand against sexism, violence, and sexual violence?
David Belt
Man Up! Coordinator
I call it the pink phenomenon. Its been this totally taboo crises meandering around our culture lately. I personally didn't even realize men were wearing pink or thought any which way....if theirs a shirt on the back...hurray your not freezing! BUT, there are some significant issues people have with this. As the world becomes more comfortable with themselves and children are realizing violence isn't so cool, we see a group of compassionate young people who know that violence is the biggest problem and also recognize when its gaining absolutely no relevance. I was absolutely delighted with this story and hope that more kids choose to become aware and respond. We have become such a non-responsive culture with the new forthcoming of technology that its hard to find people that have the time to make a change. So yay for them!
My son loves pink and doesn't care what anyone says about it...granted he is still 6, but we keep on top of his openmindedness. Oh, and he loves to play Barbies with our neice as well. Barbie is another subject in and of itself, but really...he doesn't see the difference between Barbies and Action Figures.
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