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Friday, May 11, 2007

Welcome to the Man Up Blog

Welcome! The Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault brings you Man Up! It's our effort to bring stories of how men are stepping up to end sexual violence.

Please visit often for stories about how you can make a difference.


kcmanup said...


I love this Blog!

Anonymous said...

As a survivor of sexual assault, I applaud you bringing attention to this issue! Great articles with a very real impact for me. Thank you for your efforts!

Anonymous said...

As a survivor of sexual assault, I applaud you for bringing attention to this issue! Great blog with a very real impact for me. Thank you for your efforts!

Anonymous said...

I think this blog is excellent and brings home the point of what men are exposed to each day and the difference they can make when they stand up and say no to things that degrade the opposite sex.

Anonymous said...


I am happy to be a part of KC Man UP!
Though I would like to say I am a survivor, the verdic is still out.
The recent story on channel 9 has brought to light, the story of NOT reporting a rape for over 10 years!
I do understand how this happens, but am deeply concerned about the men, that did this and that there still out there? If I had just one msg, for anyone...please tell someone, cause the familys that are affected, by this terrable act, can be torn apart? I feel as a man/father I had done my part, my oldest son was on the news a few years back, about knowing the right thing to do, in such a case! Thanks for allowing me to be a part of KC Man UP! Don